24 hour hotline: 530-529-8711
Attendance office hours: 7:30 AM – 4:00 PM
Students may access the Attendance Office before school, during student break, lunch and after school.
If your child is going to be absent from school or you need to clear an absence, please call the 24 hour hotline at 530-529-8711 or email:
Students who need to leave campus during class time must be excused by a parent or guardian prior to the time the student is released. Contact the Attendance Office the day before the pass is needed or by 7:30 am by phone or email. It is the student’s responsibility to pick up the off-campus pass at the Main Office (before school, during break, or lunch); we do not interrupt the classroom by delivering passes. Leaving campus without a pass will result in truancy.
The following information is required, please speak clearly:
- Student's Name (spell last name)
- Your Name
- Relationship to the student
- Time student is to be released
- When student will return
- Reason
A tardy is defined as being 20 minutes or less late to class and/or school.
- A student must check into the office for each tardy and will not be admitted to class without a time stamped office pass, counseling center pass or pass from a teacher.
- A lunchtime detention will be served for every three tardies in one period.
- Students must serve their lunchtime detention within 3 school days.
- Consequences for not serving lunchtime detention include, but are not limited to: Saturday School, suspension, campus beautification, activities ban, loss of parking permit, and/or placement in alternative program and /or SARB referral.